
Dance Courses

Drill and Step (0.5 Credit) DSH1000

Drill is about discipline, precision, and unity. Drill mimics military precision while step provides cultural and historical significance and, of course, rhythm. Students will learn what it means to unify through dance and use the body to create music, message, and movement.

Street Jazz (0.5 Credit)

Learning the foundations of dance is great, but sometimes it is difficult to see how they blend together. Street jazz is exactly that, a blend of jazz, hip-hop, and ballet. Students will learn the history and foundations while experimenting with choreography.

Stories and Solos (0.5 Credit)

This course will engage students' creativity using a combination of writing and movement. Daily journaling exercises will ask students to connect their own stories to major themes in the world - politics, social/economic/gender issues, family, hopes/dreams, etc. The class will then create corresponding dances in solo and small group settings, which will be performed at school-wide events.

Multicultural Dance (0.5 Credit)

This movement class is a dynamic combination of physical awareness, fitness, and rhythmic explorations of dance styles from around the world. Class will focus on physical stamina, strength, flexibility, and expose students to African, Latin, and Caribbean dance styles, as well as cultural connections and geography awareness.

Modern (0.5 Credit)

This class will introduce students to the basic elements of modern dance, including correct alignment, vocabulary, and movement common in all styles of modern dance technique. It will focus on strength, coordination, flexibility, use of breath, core support, and use of space.

Dance Composition (0.5 Credit)

This course allows students to study the fundamental methods of creating choreography. Students will work both individually and collaboratively on various composition work, performing and discussing their creations using choreographic terminology.

Dance Foundations (0.5 Credit)

This semester course is designed as a unique opportunity to orient new and/or experienced dancers to the dance at the Academy and provide an understanding of the foundations of movement. It will also focus on dance conditioning to gain strength and flexibility needed for dance technique.

Carnival Arts (0.5 Credit)

Carnival! Masquerade! Street Parade! This course explores the deep, cultural, movement roots of carnival, costume, mask making, folklore, and other street theater traditions from around the world. Students will learn to dance the calypso, walk on stilts, and delve into the world of Carnival Arts!

Commercial Dance (0.5 Credit)

Commercialize Your Dance is an advanced class for juniors and seniors who want to pursue dance outside of high school. Students will develop clarity on their dance direction, refine technique, explore repertoire, and gain insights into auditions and career preparation.

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